New hospital in Drammen

Providing patient-focused care with a strong sustainability message at a hospital in Norway
På det nybyggda regionsjukhuset i norska Drammen förenas ett starkt fokus på hållbar design med innovativa passerlösningar och effektiv drift av verksamheten. Hit har dormakaba levererat avancerade lösningar för dörrmiljöer, såsom energieffektiva dörrautomatiker och barriärfria passerlösningar till säkra utrymningsvägar. Dessa lösningar gör det möjligt för patienter, personal och besökare att sömlöst, tryggt och säkert passera genom sjukhuset. .
Architect: LINK arkitektur, Ratio arkitekter and Bølgeblikk arkitekter
Partners involved: Bravida
How do intelligent door access solutions go with state-of-the-art design for a sustainable building?
Automatic door access solutions from dormakaba control people flows with ease while saving energy.
The installed door hardware represents a seamless blend of quality design, security, convenience and variety.
Adaptability and flexibility are guaranteed, facilitating access while securing sensitive areas.
An intelligent escape route concept from dormakaba is managed from a single centralized system.
The robust design of dormakaba’s access solutions allows for extended heavy-duty use in a hospital environment.

Innovative door solutions from dormakaba offer convenience and security with smart motion sensors
The new hospital in Drammen is an excellent example of dormakaba's advanced, robust door solutions being seamlessly integrated into the environment, resulting in a secure, comfortable environment for staff and patients while enhancing the sustainable architectural concept.
Key products and features:
Engineered for high-traffic entrances, the ED 250 swing door operator is adapted for the healthcare environment, allowing for barrier-free access.
Featuring a sleek, durable design that can be adapted with ease to the requirements of the hospital, the TS 98 XEA door closer facilitates people flows while keeping the building secure and energy-efficient.
The SafeRoute escape route protection system ensures doors are easy to open from the inside during emergencies without compromising on security.
The ES PROLINE automatic sliding door is a modular, energy-efficient solution designed for continuous operation in demanding environments such as a hospital.
A versatile, durable hardware solution installed on 5,500 doors, the Serie3 handles and backplates from dormakaba (including the innovative Serie3 anti-ligature handle) meet the strictest safety requirements – essential when running a community hospital.
Overall, the touchless, hygienic entry points facilitated by dormakaba’s access solutions paired with a well-designed and coordinated fire and escape route system are a strong indicator of the Drammen hospital’s unwavering focus on its patients and readiness for the future of healthcare. This project underlines dormakaba’s commitment to providing robust, intelligent, aesthetically cohesive systems for large-scale, specialized projects.