Solutions for convenient, first-class automatic doors

How can automatic door systems simplify access to buildings?

Making access comfortable and easy with automatic doors

Creating access experiences with automatic doors

Automatic doors have many functions in a building: they provide for convenient and secure access, regulate the flow of people and restrict access to sensitive areas. Additionally, an automatic door is naturally energy-efficient, as it closes reliably.

Our automatic door systems are outstanding in terms of design, diversity, security, and convenience. Whether it’s an automatic swing door, a telescopic or burglar-proof door solution that you’re searching for, we’ll be happy to advise you on the ideal option for your property.

Feel free to contact us for a solution tailored to you and find the most energy-efficient door solution that meets your building requirements.

Automatic sliding doors

dormakaba’s automatic sliding doors are a real eye-catcher for any facade. Depending on your needs, automatic single-leaf, double-leaf or telescopic sliding door variations are available.

Sliding door operators

The flexibility of our automatic sliding door operators makes it simple to integrate them into different buildings and design concepts. No matter what kind of entrance or usage is envisioned, the operators offer custom solutions for almost any requirement.

Swing door operators

Our design-oriented swing door operators are suited to a wide range of applications. Find an automatic swing door to match any need, from a simple energy-efficient exterior door to a heavy-duty double-leaf automatic door for fire and smoke protection.

Revolving doors - the special automatic door

Revolving doors are not only a beautiful highlight to any entrance: they are also an energy-efficient door that helps minimize air exchange between the building’s interior and exterior.

Naši stručnjaci rado će vam pomoći


Održivo upravljanje zgradama

Naši proizvodi i usluge koji štede energiju, izdržljivi i visokokvalitetni povećavaju vrijednost vaše zgrade.

Vrhunski dizajn

Naša rješenja mogu se besprijekorno integrirati u postojeće okruženje u sjedištu tvrtke, lokalnim prostorijama i drugim relevantnim mjestima. Dizajn rješenja na estetski dopadljiv način odgovara suvremenim arhitektonskim vizijama.

Pouzdana usluga

Naši stručni timovi za savjetovanje i tehničku podršku stoje vam na raspolaganju kako bi vam pomogli tijekom cijelog vašeg projekta. To obuhvaća fazu projektiranja, procese instalacije i puštanja u rad te cijeli životni ciklus instaliranih proizvoda.

Jednostavnost korištenja i izvanredan dizajn

Nudimo modularna rješenja jednostavna za korištenje koja kombiniraju estetiku i funkcionalnost.

Impresivna tehnologija

Tehničke inovacije ključne su za naše proizvode i jamče buduću održivost i fleksibilnost vašeg poslovanja, kao i stalna poboljšanja vašeg poslovanja.

Zaštita od infekcija

Pomažemo u smanjenju rizika od infekcije putem rješenja za automatizirani ulaz bez dodira, inteligentne kontrole pristupa i antimikrobnih površina.

Rješenja na prvi pogled

Kako možemo pomoći?

dormakaba Magyarország Zrt.
